1.01: Introduction

As we all know Ironman/Hardcore Ironman accounts heavily focus on having a decent Magic level (minimum 55 for High Alchemy) to make most of your money and the use of teleports/teletabs to make you some decent cash and to save you from dying.

So you want to take the ultimate challenge and do the range pure alternative? It’s hard but not impossible.

The first thing you want to do is make this new account a member. You get more of a variety of skills to train and well as more ways of making money. I assure you following this guide, you won’t die before you get the safe item: Jar of Divine Light. Without this you will die and lose your account permanently. With the Jar of Divine Light bought, if you die it will downgrade you to a regular Ironman. 

I will share with you what I’ve learned from my own experiences to help you on your way. I will try to be as informative as possible and give you the best locations I have found.

Feel free to add me in game (RSN – Celvari Iris) or join my clan as a guest (Blade of the Rose) and you can tell me if I made a mistake, a typo or because you may have some better suggestions or anything I may have missed.

Note: I will update this guide as I play through my own account. So if some sections are missing, don’t worry! They will be added in time so please be patient! This is a big guide to write! 

So let’s get right into it!

Happy ‘Scaping!

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